There can be no more profound form of ignorance than one
which prohibits knowledge. The Watchtower organisation is one of the last
remaining dinosaurs to do this. Instead of considering the biological and
ecological complexity of life it gazes into its own oily navel and says with
open-mouthed ‘Disneyfied’ wonderment, ”How marvellous nature is, how sacred Jehovah is, how wonderful the governing body are!”
With deliberate avoidance of learning about the origins of the Bible; it praises
its holiness. Without thinking that Jehovah began as a cow headed idol in a minor
pagan cult; it worships this god. Everything they hold is without thinking, without investigation and
without examination! They confuse and conflate knowledge of the Bible with
How can anyone understand the Bible without looking at the
history of the texts they were formed from? How can the source ideas be
understood without knowing the religious and political climate in which they
were written... and when and where those ideas were first recorded... and by whom...and for
whom...and for what purpose they were borrowed and copied and included in the
The JW org make the astounding claim that they alone know the
intentions of God’s mind, they say that you only need to listen to them for all
instruction in life...preposterous! They think they know everything and they try to prevent external information getting to their flock they even cut out information
about their earlier history. All this and yet they have never got any one thing right in their whole history. Mistakes being eclipsed by magic "new light."
They have now invested their corporate hope in the JW mass media
propaganda machine. However through the internet, the world is already seeing
that this cult religion with its “Bible based beliefs” is looking distinctly
out of step with modern life which increasingly offers compassionate, tolerant,
science based progress. In turn they are trying to compensate with a squeaky
clean ‘televangelist’ image whilst trampling on education, promoting
homophobia, shunning family members, stifling personal growth and relishing the
claim that their God says he will destroy those who don’t believe in him.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are in deep psychological denial, what hope is there of them coming clean
and admitting the fact?